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Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin—How To Combine Them Safely

Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin—How To Combine Them Safely

Imagine a world-class athlete—let’s call him Sam—a professional marathon runner known for his endurance and speed. He trains hard, pushing his body to the limits during the day. But when night falls, Sam finds himself grappling with sleeplessness even though he feels exhausted.

Like many of us, Sam has tried everything, from chamomile tea to drugs like Ambien, but none has offered a lasting solution. After consulting a sleep expert, he’s considering cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant, and melatonin, a dietary supplement. While these substances can help him get a good night’s rest, combining them poses challenges. 

This article will discuss the potential interactions between cyclobenzaprine and melatonin, as well as alternatives to consider if these sleeping aids don’t provide lasting relief.

Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin for Sleep—How They Work

Cyclobenzaprine and melatonin, while different in their mechanisms of action, can contribute to better sleep. Check out how they affect your sleep in the following sections:

How Cyclobenzaprine Works

Cyclobenzaprine reduces muscle hyperactivity by affecting gamma and alpha motor systems. The drug delays the transmission of nerve signals in the brain, slowing down the central nervous system and helping the body relax, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

The medication is available in five doses:

  1. 5 mg
  2. 7.5 mg
  3. 10 mg
  4. 15 mg—extended-release capsules
  5. 30 mg—extended-release capsules

Cyclobenzaprine is FDA-approved for the treatment of muscle spasms, so its use in treating sleep issues is off-label. The medication’s sedative effects kick in within 30–60 minutes and last 4–6 hours.

Check out the basic characteristics of cyclobenzaprine in the table below: 



Primary indication

Muscle spasms

Class of drug

Skeletal muscle relaxant

Available doses

5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg


Oral tablet, extended-release capsule

FDA approval


Controlled substance


Brand names

Amrix, Comfort Pac with Cyclobenzaprine, Fexmid, Flexeril

Suitable for children

Not approved for patients under 15

Pregnancy category

Category B (no risk in non-human studies)

Treatment duration

2–3 weeks maximum 

Source: Ron Lach

How Melatonin Works

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. The hormone’s levels rise in the evening, signaling to our body that it’s time to sleep—and decrease in the morning when it’s time to wake up.

When taken as a supplement, melatonin’s level in the body increases, reinforcing the natural sleep signal. It can help individuals fall asleep faster, especially those with disrupted circadian rhythms or people with jet lag.

Melatonin is available in four doses:

  1. 1 mg
  2. 3 mg
  3. 5 mg
  4. 10 mg

The effects kick in about 30 minutes after ingestion and can last for 4–5 hours.

You can check out the details in the following table:



Primary indication

Regulating sleep-wake cycles

Class of drug

Hormone/ dietary supplement

Available doses

1 mg, 3 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg


Oral tablet, oral capsule, oral liquid

FDA approval

Not applicable

Controlled substance


Brand names

Adaflex, Circadin, Slenyto, Ceyesto—various other brands available

Suitable for children

Yes, under the guidance of a healthcare provider

Pregnancy category

Not classified

Treatment duration

1–2 months

Melatonin can provide relief to patients with primary insomnia. It can also be used for up to two years, so your doctor might consider it if you have chronic sleep problems.

Can You Take Cyclobenzaprine With Melatonin?

You shouldn’t mix cyclobenzaprine with melatonin unless suggested by your doctor. The substances have moderate interaction, enhancing the risk of side effects. Some of them are:

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion

Combining melatonin and cyclobenzaprine also raises the risk of overdosing. The symptoms of overdosing include:

  • Severe drowsiness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Feeling irritable or restless
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Poor motor coordination 
  • Impaired judgment

Patients who experience these adverse reactions should seek immediate medical attention.

Is It Better To Take Melatonin or Cyclobenzaprine for Sleep?

When treating sleeplessness, melatonin is generally more effective for patients with primary insomnia, while cyclobenzaprine is better when sleep issues are caused by nighttime muscle spasms and pain.

Still, the most effective treatment depends on several factors, including your sleep issues, lifestyle, and medical history. You should talk to a sleep specialist to help you design a personalized treatment plan.

The main challenge is that sleep doctors are scarce, and you may wait for a long time before getting an appointment.

The good news is that you can get almost instant access to sleep experts via Kick, an online performance medicine clinic with a pioneering sleep program that has earned an accolade of positive reviews on Trustpilot.


Kick—Wake Up Energized

Kick’s program, designed by a Stanford-affiliated sleep expert, Dr. Alex Dimitriu, entails a comprehensive approach tailored to your health and lifestyle. The consultation takes only 15 minutes, and you can pick between a local pharmacy or home delivery of your medication for added convenience. 

Our program is led by sleep doctors with years of experience, underscoring our commitment to helping you get the best treatment in a short time. Kick’s experts will offer ongoing support, including tips on cultivating healthy sleep habits, to help you achieve a lasting solution.

Once you sign up for the program, you’ll receive two trial medications thoughtfully handpicked by your doctor. If you don’t achieve the desired results within two weeks, our expert will adjust the dosing or drugs to optimize the treatment quickly.

Getting Started With Kick

To begin your journey to restful nights with Kick, follow these steps:

  1. Go to our signup page and start your brief sleep visit
  2. Fill out the questionnaire to help us understand your sleep issue and medical history
  3. Add your delivery and payment details

Your doctor will assess your situation and design a treatment plan that addresses the underlying factors causing your sleeplessness. If they decide our sleep program isn’t the best solution for you, they’ll refer you to your primary healthcare provider. In that case, you won’t pay for the initial consultation, according to our Doctor Guarantee.

Safety Guidelines for Combining Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin

Source: Ketut Subiyanto

If the risks outweigh the benefits, your doctor may recommend combining cyclobenzaprine and melatonin. In that case, you should follow these guidelines for safe administration:

  • Follow dosing instructions—If you miss a dose, skip it and take the next one when due
  • Do not mix with other sleep medications—Talk to your doctor if melatonin and cyclobenzaprine don’t provide the relief you need
  • Be mindful of timing—Take the substances at the recommended time and for the prescribed period to enjoy their full potential without developing dependence

How Long After Melatonin Can You Take Cyclobenzaprine?

How soon you can take cyclobenzaprine after melatonin can vary depending on your specific sleep issue, health status, and prescribed dose. For example, patients over 65 may take lower doses at longer intervals due to slow metabolism. In any case, you should consult your doctor for personalized advice on this issue.  

Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin—Potential Interactions With Other Substances

Cyclobenzaprine and melatonin interact with other drugs and food, which can affect their potency or enhance their side effects.

Potential Interactions With Food and Drinks

Cyclobenzaprine and melatonin may interact with food and drinks, as explained in the table below:


Interaction With Cyclobenzaprine

Interaction With Melatonin

Grapefruit juice

Can slow down metabolism, raising the risk of severe drowsiness

No interactions were found (but can’t be ruled out)


Can enhance the CNS depressant effects

Can increase the risk of severe drowsiness 

If your doctor recommends taking sleep medications every night, you should avoid alcohol until treatment discontinuation.   

Potential Interactions With Other Drugs

Here’s a table detailing potential interactions between cyclobenzaprine, melatonin, and other medications: 


Interaction With Cyclobenzaprine

Interaction With Melatonin


Can contribute to side effects like dizziness and drowsiness

Can enhance the risk of dizziness and difficulty concentrating

Xanax (alprazolam)

Can enhance the CNS depressant effects

Can contribute to the risk of side effects and addiction


Can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome

Can raise the risk of severe drowsiness


No significant interactions were found (risks can’t be ruled out)

Can enhance the sedative effects


Can enhance the risk of low blood pressure

Can contribute to dizziness


Can increase dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating

Can enhance the depressant effects

Ativan (lorazepam)

Can enhance dizziness and drowsiness

Can raise the risk of drowsiness and breathing problems

Zoloft (sertraline)

Can contribute to the risk of serotonin syndrome

Can contribute to the sedative effects

Valium (diazepam)

Can enhance the side effects

Can raise the risk of side effects


Can raise the risk of drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, and heat intolerance

Can contribute to severe drowsiness, blurred vision, and difficulty urinating


Can enhance dizziness and drowsiness

Can enhance the sedative effects


Can enhance the risk of serotonin syndrome

Can enhance the side effects


Can raise the risk of side effects

Can contribute to increased sedation 


No interactions were found, but risks can’t be ruled out

The potential for interaction is low but can’t be ruled out


Increases the risk of seizures and coma

Can raise the risk of additive sedation


Can contribute to drowsiness

Can enhance the sedative effects

This list isn’t exhaustive. You should inform your doctor about the medications and substances you’ve been using to help them decide whether melatonin and cyclobenzaprine are safe in your case.

Cyclobenzaprine and Melatonin—Who Should and Shouldn’t Take Them?

Source: Andrea Piacquadio

Although cyclobenzaprine and melatonin are safe for most people with sleep issues, individuals with certain conditions should approach the drugs with caution. Check out the table below for more details:


Who Can Take It

Who Shouldn’t Take It


  • Adults (18+) 

  • People with sleep issues related to muscle spasms 

  • Individuals with occasional sleeplessness

  • People with primary insomnia

  • Individuals with allergic reactions to cyclobenzaprine

  • People with a thyroid disorder or heart disease

  • Individuals who took MAO inhibitors recently

  • People with urination problems

  • Pregnant women and women planning to get pregnant


  • People with primary insomnia 

  • Adults over 55 with short-term sleep problems

  • Adults under 55 and children with long-term sleep problems, if recommended by a specialist

  • People with allergic reactions to melatonin

  • Individuals with liver or kidney problems

  • People with autoimmune diseases

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women


These lists aren’t exhaustive. You should inform your healthcare provider if you have chronic conditions that may affect your treatment. 

Featured image source: Andrea Piacquadio